narikimの日記 日記バージョン

Game of Life


ThetaHealing “Game of life Class”

Let's shift to the best in your business or carrier though this class. You will become the true master of your life!
I would like to invite you to transform into a successful player of the Game of Life.

This new course has been created by the Japanese THINK representative "Hiro"and based on his real-life success.This class gives you an opportunity to remove specific limiting beliefs and instill hundreds of feelings to achieve greater success in your life and business. This class is also the prerequisite for DNA 4 class.

●Belief work for accomplishment of your goals and success.

●Seven stages to move you from the passenger’s seat to the driver’s seat of your life:

1. Free yourself from parent obligations.
2. Release the past.
3. Be accepted by society.
4. Handle peer pressure.
5. Receive infinite abundance.
6. Prepare to succeed.
7. Visualize and Manifest.

The prerequisite for this class is both the Basic and Advanced classes.

You will receive a Game of Life Manual, and a Certificate of completion.

Dates: 26,27,&28 October 2012
26(Fri) 9:30~17:30
27(Sat) 9:30~17:30

Investment: 740 NZD
I would like to give $50 scholarship to all participants, so the investment is $690 this time.

Venue:Darfield in New Zealand

Taught by:
ThetaHealing� Master and Certificate of Science Nari Kim 

To enroll or to contact: