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Testmonial for Class of Nari Kim

Hallo Nari

 “Testtimonial”Theta Healing RHYTHM Class by Nari Kim


This class brought me more than I expected. The Integration through Eurythmie that means good rhythm in ancient Greek gave me an extra dimension in this class.

I would say that this program is not only for thetahealers who like to treat people who search for perfect weight but also for them who use their bodies in the awakening and enlightening process. This last extra dimension I found in the class is source of the integration.

Finally, I was able to understand how important our bodies were in our growing process. And also I could comprehend how our bodies interacted with words, sounds, lights, and movements in a way which was intuitive connection between these aspects, and how our bodies were connected with the mother earth and the universe at the same time.


These interactions and the unity might be looked complex but Nari has the art of transforming which changes them into a simple way and you will be initiated into them naturally. Therefore you can use the basis of Eurythmie in your daily life and it will stimulate your spiritual growth and your “perfect weight”.
